Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Dear future husband,

I was talking about you again today.
I was talking about something that you might want to keep in mind when you're trying to win my heart over.

Have flaws. Be yourself.

Sometimes I get caught up in the movies, and I want the perfect man.
And then I come back to reality.

I saw a quote the other day, that said something along the lines of

If you want a perfect Disney Prince 
and a perfect Disney romance
Then you need to be a perfect Disney Princess
I am not at all close to being a perfect Disney Princess, nor do I ever want to be.

I want someone goofy. crazy. individual. 
Someone that can make me laugh.
Someone that brings out the best in me and I can totally be the best version of myself around. 
I want someone that messes up.
Someone human.

So, be yourself.
It'll work out better that way. 

Your future wife.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Stop the ride I'd like to get off please

Becoming and adult must be worth it.... otherwise people wouldn't keep doing it, right?

Remember how the only problems used to be boys and school?
I still have to worry about school ... and it seems more important.
Boys- dating is more serious and more difficult. Can I just get married and stop playing this game please?
Things- cost money.
Money- to buy those things (like school, food, etc).
Job- to get the money.
Transportation- no car. ...walk? (how does one get to the job, for the money to buy the things?)

 Can I just grow a money tree and wish on a star and have no more problems?

p.s.- the wise words of my father when asked why being an adult had to be so hard, "Because Heavenly Father has given us opportunities to grow."
-just trying to keep this in mind.


I hope that y'all had a very Merry Christmas!!
I sure did.
I'm in warm Georgia, with all my family, absolutely loving life :)

I hope that, even now that the actual day is over, that you will be able to remember the true reason for the season.

Not only and I grateful for my family and friends, home and the wonderful gifts I've been blessed with, I am so very grateful for Christ and his gift to us. I'm grateful to live in a country where we can celebrate his birth and worship him freely.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Flying at Sunset

A piece of the horizon glows
as if on fire
beneath the dimming blue atmosphere.

The city lights look as if a fairy
flew across the top
scattering her twinkling dust in patches
across the earth's surface.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good Morning?

I woke up today. Late, as per usual.
And my very first thought was, "I hate waking up"

I'm not a very big fan of mornings.

Well, this song that my Grandpa, and then my mom used to sing, immediately popped into my head, and has been stuck there.
I look back on a couple of the songs he sang, and I get a little bit appalled that they were so violent, and I had no idea as a child.

Anyways, here's the lyrics :

Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning,
Oh! How I'd love to remain in bed
For the hardest blow of all is to hear the bugler call:
'You've got to get up, you've got to get up,
You've got to get up this morning!'"

Someday I'm going to murder the bugler
Someday they're going to find him dead
I'll amputate his reveille and stomp upon it heavily
And spend the rest of my life in bed!

A bugler in the army is the luckiest of men
He wakes the boys at five and then goes back to bed again
He doesn't have to blow again until the afternoon
If ev'rything goes well with me I'll be a bugler soon!

"Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning,
Oh! How I'd love to remain in bed
For the hardest blow of all is to hear the bugler call:
'You've got to get up, you've got to get up,
You've got to get up this morning!'"

Oh, boy! The minute the battle is over
Oh, boy! The minute the foe is dead
I'll put my uniform away and move to Philadelphia
And spend the rest of my life in bed!

And then I'll get the other pup,
The one that wakes the bugler up,
And spend, the rest of my life in bed.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Steven Sharp Nelson

Well, it's not a Mormon Message this week, but it's spiritual and uplifting.
Enjoy :)
Nearer My God to Thee

It took an hour

...for my roommates to convince me to do it.
It was one of those where, I wanted to. But I was terrified to do it.
In fact, it was my idea even....... sometimes I should be careful about how fast words come out of my mouth

And when it was done, I felt good. successful.
Everyone was excited- even me. 
Sometimes peer pressure isn't all bad.


Somehow I got convinced to go ask a boy on a date.
Boys, I understand your pain. Dating is fun, but possibly horrifying.
And this wasn't just any boy.
This is one that occasionally stops by my apt to ask my roommate about homework.
And I thought he was cute.
He didn't even know my name till I told him while I was asking him out.
So we're not even really acquaintances......... yet I asked him on a date.

The words came out too fast.
Some would say I had diarrhea of the mouth. But I don't really like that image.
Anyways, I just started talking, and asked him to go with me on a group date for tomorrow.
And by the time I was done and about to walk out the door, he asked me for my name.

I had forgot to properly introduce my self.
*face in palm*

Anyways, he said yes.
So, we're going together tomorrow for a GIANT group date.


And then a couple more hours passed,
and now I'm nervous out of my mind.

Someone save me.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm Cursed

"If you asked me, how I'm doing, I'll tell you I'm doing just fine..... I'd lie and say that you're not on my mind."

I have a curse. I've dubbed it the 'If-you-think-about-it-it's-not-going-to-happen-curse'.

Am I the only one with this problem?
I must think too much.
About the future and possibilities, even just in daily life.
I fantasize.

It's an issue I really need to resolve.

But if I think about it, it's almost guaranteed to not happen.
Like, maybe he'll hold my hand.
Maybe he'll be in the library.
Or maybe I'll run into someone random.
Maybe I'll meet someone wonderful at the party.
Maybe we'll work out one day.... in the far, far future.
Maybe my favorite song will come on the radio.
--- or other random, stupid, day-dreamy situations.

And they'll never happen. ever.
Partly, because a lot of the times they're simply not sensible.
The rest of the time.... I'm cursed.

So some would say, "just don't think about it!"
If I could, I would.
SO much easier said than done.

Monday, November 28, 2011

City Lights

The magical way
the sliver of golden moon
hangs over the horizon
of glowing city lights

Watch Your Step

Applicable to more than just pornography...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I didn't post a Mormon Message on Sunday, so here's the one for this week.

The list of things that I am grateful is too long to put all of it on here, but here's a sampling:
Mom and Dad~Michael, Jessica, Emily, Ethan, and Drew~Fruit~Chocolate~Brownies~Extended family~Roommates~Heather and Kristi~Other countless friends. Much too many to name~The fact that I have too many to name~Great roommates~The most wonderful FHE brothers~A house~An education- at BYU-I nonetheless~Professors that I know care for me~Food~Laughter~Smiles~Sleep, and the time to do so~Jeans that fit great :)~To be able to pay for rent~Technology- like cell phones, the internet, and skype~A Savior.

What are YOU grateful for?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

got milk?

I know it doesn't really make sense.

But I have had an irrational craving for milk the past week.
I've gone through an entire gallon in one week.
Usually it takes me at least a week and a half.
I could have finished it in 4 days if I didn't seriously restrain myself.

You know those weird cravings that some people get?
Like dirt, or laundry detergent?
It's like that.
I just drink glass, after glass, after glass.
chocolate, regular, chocolate, cold cereal, chocolate, regular, cold cereal.

And though I am not indeed PMSing, it reminded my roommate of this hilarious commercial:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wise words

Learn to enjoy hard work. Live simply. Travel light. Relish people. Love deliberately and freely. Laugh whenever possible… and especially at yourself.
- Julia Albain

I should've just stayed in bed

It's a really good thing that I have learned to laugh at myself.
Because It happened a lot today.
Slipping on ice.
Marilyn Monroe moments in non-Rexburg-friendly skirts. In front of boys no less. 
Burning your finger while making brownies (for the fourth freaking time this semester)
Words are difficult.
And the best, tipping over chairs- while sitting in them.

Story time:

We have this chair. It's a large circular one.
Have I ever had a problem with it before?
Did I have a problem with it today?
most definitely.
I sat down, and once my feet were neatly tucked underneath me, the chair began to tip.
My thoughts as I was going down:
1. re-adjust your wieght so you don't fall.
2. too late for that. MODESTY!!
3. (once I am on the ground after falling on my face because I was more worried about my skirt flying up too high instead of catching myself) I am SO glad there are no boys in the room.

My roommates didn't even check to see if I was okay. They just started laughing at me.
True friends :)
Anyways, that is my embarrassing story for the day. I hope you enjoyed, because I sure did. I laugh every single time I play it back in my head.
In fact, I'm sure I look ridiculous as I type and laugh to my self.

Sometimes, it's the only way I can make it sanely through a day.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm a hopeless romantic

I wished on 11:11, on 11/11/11. Twice.
I went to pie night. 
I helped some friends eat 11 pizzas. In 11 minutes. Beginning at 11:11pm.
I was running home to make it back in time forr 11:11 pm, but didn't make it.
So I made a snow angel instead.
I made my second wish of the day, in the middle of the road, in the middle of a four way stop.
I grabbed a blanket, and sat in the grass outside.
Then I took said blanket and twirled around.
Because It felt good and I love the outdoors.
I ended the night with sitting outside in the cold, wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate.

Definitely a successful night in my book :)

Friday, November 11, 2011


Today, it's a pretty important number.
Today, is 11/11/11 case you hadn't noticed yet.
So 11:11 is a particularly important time.
Because this will never happen again... well, at least not in my lifetime.

So, have a party! That's what I'm doing anyways.
We're having a girls night.
Full of a concert, late night outings for Flippin' Friday at The College Avenue Deli, Food, Friends, Fun, maybe a movie, and who knows what other mischief.
And most importantly, a wish at 11:11.
The most epic wish of all wishes.

Now I just gotta come up with something really good to wish for...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Much needed advice

Well, I believe that I shared a video on this marshmallow experiment at one point in time.
But, now I can connect it to my beliefs! :)
I have had quite the time wrestling with patience lately.
So this is absolutely perfect.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Snowfall

There's some kind of secret beauty
that comes from being outside
in the still darkness
with the wind
blowing around the snow

Thursday, November 3, 2011

you sneaky mom!!

Well, my mom was kind enough to bring me halloween candy this year.
I don't get to go trick-or-treating.
And I wasn't able to take my regular 'sister tax'.
But nonetheless, I found this.... sadly hilarious.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



yup, that's about it.

Things as They Really Are

sorry I didn't get this up on sunday.
Something to think about though.
Something in my life that could probably use a little work,
and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Halloween singing

I have a group of friends at school.
My FHE group, and they're pretty much THE best.

Tonight, we went caroling.
Yes, I know it's Halloween.
That's why we sang a version of Carol of the Bells, titled "It's not Christmas Time".
Lyrics and arrangement by my friend (and his friend).
Though some were annoyed, and we did get a door shut on us, most applauded.
While we were singing to one door, we would have others open and have us come over.
We probably have at least 10 recordings of us singing
(so let me know if we show up on youtube and become famous ;)
We had some people give us cookies and candy.
and we had several calls for an encore.
We're pretty musical :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I went to a friend's ward for church today.
It was the Primary Program, and I was SO excited.

It turned out just as I had hoped.

Lots of kids crowded onto the stand, reciting scriptures and experiences.
Singing their little hearts out.
Kids waving enthusiastically to their parents, and trying to talk to them from the stage.
A little boy conducting the music from his seat while he sang.
The pianist playing the wrong part of the song, totally freaking the children out of their minds.
Everyone singing, but the 2 kids with the microphones are the only ones you can actually hear. -for better or for worse-
A paper airplane doing loopty-loops off the stage.

My mom and I giving each other frequent looks and just smiling and trying not to laugh too hard.

It couldn't have been any better :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Honesty Honestly

Generally my hair is pretty straight.
Today, it is not.

I curled it.

I have done this in the past, and it hasn't worked out so well.
This semester, I learned how to do it, and I love it.

This weekend, I am not at school with the roommates that will shower you with compliments pretty much no matter what.
I'm visiting family :)

Family has seen me over skype with curly hair, but not in person.

Here's how the morning went-

Mom: "wow. your hair is very curly."
Me: is that okay?...
Mom: yeah. I just haven't seen it in person before.

-just minuets later-

Ethan (8): woah! your hair is curly!
Me: yup. what do you think?
Ethan: it looks weird.
Me: thaaaaaanks.
Ethan: you look like someone on TV
Me: is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Ethan: ......... it's both....?

haha gotta love the honesty of an eight-year-old.
And your mother.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Not sure...

...what this post is going to be be about exactly.
Maybe, just that.
I'm not sure.

not sure:
how my grades are going to be.
How friendships are going to turn out.
where my life is taking me.
if i can do it.
how i can do it.
what it is exactly.

ps- on a side note, I get to see my mom and 3 youngest siblings this weekend. I'm so excited I can barely stand it :D

Monday, October 24, 2011

Muffins and the waiting game

Last weekend was Orange cranberry.
This weekend was Banana.
I have a box of Blueberry waiting to be made.

If the need arises of course.


On a side note, I need to learn patience.
I have some when it comes to kids.
But when it comes to me
...or boys...
I have close to none.

The waiting game is killing me slowly.

What Matters Most

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hey there good lookin'

Sometimes it just feels good to look cute.
For yourself.
Not for anyone else.
Or because you have a meeting or something special to attend.
For you.

My day has been great today.
And I'm convinced it's because I feel cute.
It just makes me so happy.

So, do yourself a favor.
And pick a day in the next week to dress up a little and look nicer.
It helps.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

E x a g g e r a t e d

That's one thing that stinks about being a girl.
We take one thing - most likely something small and close to meaningless - and draw it out.
Especially if it's about boys.
We gossip about it. Tell everyone.
Because it's fun. And in an apartment absolutely filled with estrogen, it's hard to keep a secret.
Especially if it's about boys.
We get all excited and giddy.

And then we get disappointed when we realize that it was nothing.

Because remember, things get exaggerated. And so just as feelings of excitement and happiness were likely a little over the top, so will the feelings of disappointment.

Where does a girl go from there?

"I watch the stars from my window sill. The whole world is moving, but I'm standing still"

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's not healthy...

"I thought of you, and where you've gone. And the world spins madly on" -World Spins Madly On, The Weepies

I made muffins for my roommates.
They enjoyed them, or so they told me.

And that's fine a dandy, except for I did it because...

I didn't get any sleep.
Well, not more than 3 hours anyways.

It's hard for me to focus.

I didn't get any homework done.

But, I had a good time... and that's what really counts.

Service is powerful

sorry I missed last week...
but here's the Mormon message for this week!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

accidentally on purpose

It seems as if some of my best pieces happen by accident. 
Or I don't like them at first. 
at all.

That's what happened with this photo. 
I was in a hurry.... I had procrastinated a bit, and the lab was closing soon.
People were over, and we had a cello.
So, after a moments inspiration, he sat and pretended to play. 
I jumped up on the couch behind him.
It's blurrier than I had originally hoped, but I think it works.

I ended up really liking it :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Try it. I dare you.

Vanilla ice cream. and lots of it.
2 peaces. ripened, peeled, and cut in fourths.
Several shakes of cinnamon.
A little milk.
Blended to perfection.

Heaven in a cup.

Thanks to my daddy for the genius behind the recipe :)

Also, I really love this video.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Firmly on the ground

Dearest Cousin....

I just wanted to let you know, that I needed your latest post.
I too, could use a bit of a wake up call.

Sometimes I imagine that Mr. Right is just going to waltz into my life.
Incredibly handsome. Waiting to solve all my problems. Bringing me flowers.

It's my dream. All I think I want.

But, then I come back to earth.

He's not going to come into my life and sweep me off my feet.
(In fact if that happened, I think I would be a little weirded out.)

And, actually being in a relationship.... kind of scares me.
a lot.

Plus, we have to be friends first. That's kind of a rule I have.
None of this just coming out of the blue and scaring me like that.

But, I like the comment that happiness is not brought upon by a husband. or a boyfriend.
YOU choose to be happy. And then you get the boyfriend.... And then the husband.

So, I'm trying to keep my outlook on life a positive one.
despite being single. and not dating. and having computer problems. and being away from the wonderful people I claim as my family.

Life is good.

I need to try and be the best me. Someone that I would want to marry.
Then, maybe when future husband comes along, he'll want to marry me! ...that's the goal at least.
I'm going to work on things, one at a time. slowly but surely, to better myself.

And I'm going to do my best to keep my feet planted firmly on ground.

Friday, October 7, 2011

My hat

It's cold outside. 
It snowed the first week of October.
No thank you.

But, that means that I get to lounge around in sweats 
and fuzzy socks.
And wear fun hats to keep my ears warm :)

I think plans for tonight are going to be to curl up, 
and watch a movie with some hot chocolate

Thursday, October 6, 2011

moddest is hottest

"I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder. - Emma Watson

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Moments that Matter

Sorry this is a day late...
This is my absolute f a v o r i t e Mormon Message. I can't even express how much I love it.
Please enjoy! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My trip to the store.

I went to the Plasma center today. I'm a poor (almost) starving college student, and figured this un-employed student could use some money.... by selling plasma. But when I got there, they told me that I needed to schedule an appointment for my first time, so I got their phone number and I'll call tomorrow.
After leaving, I decided that Taco Bell was a good idea.
It was.

After Taco Bell, I decided going grocery shopping was a good idea. Turns out it was as well.

I bought lots of good food.
I saw a cute boy.
While walking out of the store a grandma turned around to me and said, "Where's our car babe?" And then upon realizing that I was not her husband, said, "Oh! You're not my babe!" And then had the cutest laugh, as she looked for her husband that got stuck in the traffic of people.

As I was leaving the store, I realized that I had to walk home, and I had a large bag of groceries and a 10lb bag of potatoes. I wish I had realized I had to walk home when I bought the potatoes. I felt like I was carrying home a small child.
Not the brightest idea I've ever had.

Also, on the way home, though I didn't get picked up by any boys like I may-or-may-not have secretly hoped would happen, a girl did offer to help me carry my things.

All-in-all, I would say it was a fairly successful trip.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I've really taken pictures for granted...

Please enjoy :)
The little boy at the end is about the cutest thing ever.

mongolia! from wiissa on Vimeo.

Forget Not...

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints.
AKA- Mormon.

Twice a year, the leaders of our world-wide church speak the Lord's word to us in conference. That's next week, and I can't wait.

Yesterday, the leaders of the women of our church spoke to us, as well as the second counselor of the church's presidency. President Uchtdorf gave the talk below, and it was one of the most powerful and meaningful I've heard. I hold this message dear to my heart, and I hope that you will take the time to listen.

It's worth it :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Unexpectedly disappointing

There was that moment.
When I was at the restaurant with my friends.
And it was as simple as seeing him, and thinking he was cute.
Then as I walked back to my table, I saw him sit down.

And I realized he's a DAD.

Boys and Stars

Want to know a secret?

boys scare me

It's true. There's just something that makes me freeze up inside.
And I don't even have to like the guy.
My mind slows down and I only say stupid things, so I tend to not say anything at all.
And not quite as much fun either.
Maybe one day I'll meet a guy that I won't feel so ridiculous around.

I learned something about boys.
Some, are just not really worth your time. You need to find the good ones.
Ones that open your doors. And do your dishes, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel. And make you smile.
And laugh. That's important.
And really care about a girl for who she is, and not what she looks like. That when you ask him why he likes her, he can come up with a list of things he loves about her.


We went to the sand dunes tonight.
And there were boys, so I didn't say too much.
But we listened to a friend play the ukulele, and danced there in the sand, under the stars.
Oh the stars.
I saw another galaxy.
There's never been another time that I've seen so many stars so clearly. A never ending view into heaven.

I don't know that I've ever seen anything so completely humbling and beautiful in my life.

Monday, September 19, 2011

One week down, only 13 more to go

Well, I survived the first week of school!

It's Monday..... and I already can't wait until the weekend.. *sigh*

The homework load is not indeed too unbearable. yet. so far so good I think.

I have a lot yet to learn when it comes to photography. I used to think I was really good. Well, moderately good. Now I know I have a long way to go.
But that's a good thing. Then one day I really will be awesome :)

I had a fun time getting to know my 'brothers' a little bit better tonight. At my school we have this little thing called 'Home Evening'. A girls apartment and a guys apartment get paired, and every Monday evening they get together to have a spiritual thought and play games. Today we played 'never have I ever....", and I think I got bruised in the process.

But in my book, battle wounds mean you had a good time
(even when the bruise just comes from the chair at church that you ran into. I did have a good time at church right? right.)

Also, my apartment is half underground. So when I walk out my front door, there's a retaining wall, on top of which is a post holding up the ceiling above me.
It's the perfect place to sit underneath the tree, and dangle your feet, or wrap your legs Indian style around the pole, and think. and think and think. It's peaceful out in the cool night air...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Football Pictures

I finally got all the pictures up!
Sorry it took me sooooo long...

 See that guy there? with the green vest, awesome purple headband, and the camera lens as big as my head and worth more than me? yeah..... i kinda want his lens.
 Here's the guy that could pull off a jersey, fidora, and thick rimmed glasses, and had to high-five his family all the time.

 small child tackle!
 little cheerleaders :)
 one of my favorite pictures. I hope that they go pro
I liked the little kid game more than the actual one haha

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hey y'all! I'm entering in a photo contest, hoping to win some scholarship money for school! If the panel likes my photo enough, then I get $500. But for them to really be interested, it's good to have a lot of votes. Also, if I don't get picked, then the person with the most votes gets $250.

And voting is super simple. Just go to the link below, and click the green vote button. Thanks so much!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Yesterday was travel day! I made it to Utah, and today I'll make it to Rexburg! can't wait!
I made it to Grandma's, and that means I quickly got fixed up with dinner and chocolate ice cream. Because at Grandma's, there's no sense in going to bed if you haven't had any ice cream yet. 

On my 2nd flight, I was on the plane for less than an hour. And having slept on the previous flight, I didn't have much else to do other than look out the window.

It. Was. Beautiful.

It was as if we were chasing the sunset. The clouds were perfectly puffy. some of them piled high, others looking as if someone had just gone four-wheeling in the sky. (i TOTALLY wish that was possible btw). the sun making one side of them a bright white-yellow. And the other side a darker, grayish-blue.

the ground looked like one of those models you see in mueseums, but the cars actually moved.

And the mountains, with the trees, and the white stripes through the rock. the lazy rivers snaking through the valleys, and the man-made roads zig-zagging back and forth.

I was in awe of God's creations. That he made all of this for us. For me.

"Look at those stars. To think, God made all of that and remembered to make a little speck like me. Kind of flattering isn't it?" -Wyatt Earp

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Well, I leave for school tomorrow.
and I haven't packed anything.
If you haven't learned yet, I'm a bit of a procrastinator.
Especially when it comes to big things that kind of sneak up on me. not a good habit.
I have a feeling i'm not going to be getting a lot of sleep tonight.

My littlest brother lost his first tooth today!
My mom is a little (or a lot) distraught that this is her 'last first tooth'.
But it's his bottom right one, and he wears the 'i'm missing my first tooth, give me attention!' look very well if i might say so. he's a cutie :)

I also have hard time with goodbye's. instead of just an hour with a best friend at a frozen yogurt place, it turned into two hours in the parking lot afterwards.
I really like to talk to her :)

I'm realizing how incredibly awkward I was. I'm glad i'm over that.
And in a few years, I'll probably say I was awkward now.
And that's okay.
At least the majority of the embarrassment is over, and it makes for a few good laughs.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



I was thinking.

I kind of want to get an idea of how many different viewers i've got out there.

So if you haven't yet, maybe you could press the follow button there on the right for me?
If you have a blogger account, this means that my posts will show up in your feed and you'll be alerted when I post something new.

On a side note, If you don't have a blogger account but would like to be alerted by email when I post something new, then let me know! (I might me able to hook you up ;)

Thanks y'all!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Excuse Me

Mr. Policeman,

Thank you for pulling up behind me, and therefore making me go exactly the speed limit because you are on my tail. And then passing me because I'm going too slow. You're setting a wonderful example.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Falcons football

* pictures to come at a later time*

A friend of my dad's works in sales, and got two free tickets to a pre-season falcons game today. Because he couldn't make it, my dad and I go to enjoy :)
I'm not much of a football person. I mean, I know what's happening. I only had to ask my dad two questions about what was happening during the game. I can enjoy it, and i'm really good at cheering when everybody wearing the same color as the team i'm supposedly rooting for, starts standing and screaming. But I mostly go for the fun atmosphere, and to spend time with fun people.

After searching for parking that was under $30, and finally finding a spot for only $20, we parked and walked in. And then the food we bought for dinner also cost entirely too much. But, we got free tickets. and we were row 13, on the 45 yrd line. So, not too much complaining here ;)

Anyways, I like to observe people. And so, my favorite things about the football game, were not the football game itself. but things like:

-how on earth do the cheerleaders have such perfect hair? and keep it that way all night?
-spending time with my wonderful dad :)
- watching the 7 and 11 year-olds play during half time. (much better game than the actual one we went to by FAR)
-small children that love football
-the guy sitting a couple rows in front of us that was somehow able to wonderfully pull off wearing a jersey, thick rimmed glasses and a fidora, and had to stand and high five everyone in his family every time the Ravens did anything remotely awesome.

all in all, i'd call it a good night :D

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What does one do, when you're stuck in a crowd of people, all of them at least 3 years older than you (except for the one boy i talked to that was younger than me, but of course he wasn't there at the moment), and they all think that you're their age. and then they find out that you're not even 20. and they're all amazed. but, this isn't some feat on your part. it's not your fault that your parents had you in '92 instead of '88. or even '81. it's not some amazing thing, it just is what it is. but, the beans got spilled, and there's that awkward moment where no one knows what to say, because they're all gawking over the fact that you're so young (and you're wondering why they are all so old, and still single). and all you can say is,"yup. i'm kinda young." and hope that some brilliant idea for a conversation starter just pops into your head. but it doesn't ever come fast enough.

guess i should just take the compliment that they all thought i was older than i really am?



Does anyone know what today is?

*drum roll*

it's Blog day! thanks to Brain Pop from my mom's home school apps on her ipad, i learned that today was blog day, and found it only fitting to come and share the news, and therefore a blog post, with you!
So, if you have a blog, go blog! if you don't, go make one! if you know you won't keep up with it, thanks for reading mine! :)

Happy blog day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

19 years

Today, I turned 19. Nothing too special really. no new privalges or anything fun. just a year older and hopefully a year wiser.
And because it's my 19th bday, and i have a job, I had to work. all. day.
so that was kind of a bummer. well, it was a bummer.

BUT, I got got to go out to breakfast AND lunch with my favorite Dad. And though no one in the office new/remembered it was my bday, lots of people on facebook did, and i got lots of delightful texts throughout the day.
When I got home, there were balloons and streamers and mom was making birthday dinner. yum! my puppy was there to say hi to me, and the siblings actually wanted to spend time with me! imagine that! ;)

anyways. we had brownies and ice cream, and opened some wonderful, thoughtful gifts.
then i got a text saying to look out side.

look at the remnants of the beautiful sunset I was given for my birthday :)

When all is said and done, though I certainly don't feel any different/older, I had a great day. Mostly because of wonderful people like YOU! Thanks for all YOU do! :D

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Monkey Days

Last week I got to go rick climbing at the largest gym in the nation with a couple of my friends. And though it was hard, and I'd only done it one other time, we had an absolute blast!

Hopefully I'll get the chance to go again sometime soon! I definitely recommend it if you've never gone!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

100 (take 2)

We made it!

This is post number


Feel free to throw a party if you would like.
If I had the time, I would as well. It's a pretty big event.
There would be 100 balloons. And a variety of foods, with 100 pieces each.
I would invite 100 people, and play games involving the number 100. It would be bigger than 100-day in elementary school.
But alas, I do not indeed have the time or money to throw a party that big and wonderful, so I'll let you be in charge of that.

Or you can just imagine such a party and we'll call it good.
Yeah, I like that plan better.

good times

when i was little, my favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast.
I still love it to this day.
Apparently I would pretend to be Belle, and i would hold the movie cover as my book and sing the opening song, and then tell my dad that he was Gaston and then he would come in and sing his part. i'm sure it was adorable ;)

but that's besied the point.

As we were listening to disney songs in the car the other day, my youngest brother (Drew, age 6), asked who Gaston was.

I just about lost it.
MY little brother didn't know who Gaston was?! I was horrified. This must be remedied at once.
Well, I was out and about this evening but Emily and Drew stayed home and watched Beauty and the Beast. As I was getting them set up, Emily had to ask me what end of the VHS went into the player first. (has it really been that long since we've used VHS's? ...I remember buying our first DVD player. yikes.)
Also, as I was getting ready to leave, a preview for Aladdin came on.
oh. my. goodness. a preview for something i'd known my whole, entire life. in fact, it even had the date, that Aladdin was coming out in 1992. yup, it's as old as me. And it's still good.
And it had that male voice that announced practically all the Disney movies.

Later tonight, I watched Tarzan. also an excellent movie (and more violent/gory than i had thought as a kid). which led to an analysis of disney movie villains and how they die. we came to the conclusion that Disney has some weird fascination with people falling to their death. If you think about it, if a villain dies, it's usually falling to his/her death.

feeling a tad old at the moment.
and i don't even turn 19 for 3 more days!

Friday, August 26, 2011

why on earth?!...

sometimes I look back at 13-16 year old me, and just wonder, "what was i thinking?...."
why did i think that was cute to wear?
why would i ask such a question?
why was I too blind to see what was plainly obvious to everyone else?
why would i say such embarrassing things?
wow, i thought i was hilarious. ....i was not indeed, as funny or as wonderful or as cute as i thought i was.
I was a particularly awkward teenager.

then i just sit. and hope that i have gotten out of the worst of those stages, and that i didn't embarrass myself too horribly.

but, i still have one more year (and four days), to be a teenager. guess i better make the best of it! (and as my mother would say, use this last year to blame stupid things on being a teenager. in a year, i won't have that luxury ;) haha)

Monday, August 22, 2011

get going


That's a hard word for me sometimes.
Especially lately.

I'm on summer break. Which, as a kid, means time at the pool, tanning, watching movies, reading, hanging with friends, and whatever else your heart desires.

Unfortunately, though I still feel like a kid, and would prefer to act like one most of the time, I'm not one.

So I try to get away with watching Psych and sleeping and eating junk food all day. And then I realize that I still haven't cleaned my bathroom. Or my bedroom.
My garbage can still has trash in it.
My blog is lacking on posts.
The playground is not stained.
My boxes still need to be de-junked.
My checkbook still needs to be balanced.
My puppy could still use some loving.
I need to eat in there somewhere.
textbooks need to be bought.
Pictures are waiting to be edited.
Letters waiting to be written.
And I am still broke.

And on the days that I go work 8 hour days, I just want to come home and continue lounging.
I tend to not really think about what I've got to do, until it's 11:00 at night. And too late to do a lot of it.

Hey, at least I got a blog post in right? That was on the list of things to get done. yup.

One of these days this is really going to come back and bite me right in the butt.

...Will you?

So, lately it feels like pretty much everyone is getting engaged and married. Well, i suppose not everyone, but it sure is a lot of people. Maybe I'm just getting older? After all, I only have a little over one year left of being a teenager. (yikes!)

Anyways, I love weddings. And I will be patient for my day to come (goodness, it does NOT need to come too soon). But, I will admit that I'm very excited for that day. I probably have more already picked out than I want to admit to. I love looking at wedding pictures, and fun proposals.

Below, are two very creative proposals that I kinda, sorta fell in love with ;)

Aren't they just great?!

Please share any, any engagement stories if you would like. I would absolutely love to hear :)
Sometimes it's the most simple things that are the best anyways.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fields and Alleyways

Fields and Alleyways: two of my favorite places to take pictures
Heather Elaine Goodyear: one of my favorite people to take pictures with

Here's our adventure from Monday:

Monday, August 8, 2011


I got to go camping this weekend with the fam.
We left Thursday, and reluctantly came home on Saturday.
It was a blast.

We went with 3 other families (lots of little kids, so my siblings and I were the only ones our age)
The trip consisted of:

late, late nights playing games (we're talking 3 AM here, to the point where you're so tired everything's funny)
laughing so hard my sides hurt
gooooood food.
spending ALL DAY at the lake
jumping off the dock
throwing children off the dock
cute little kids with southern accents
kayaking around the lake
trying to catch fish with our hands
getting eaten alive by bugs
the BURGERS. AKA- the grumpy old couple that got onto us about everything. seriously. it was ridiculous. you know you're bored, and old, and grumpy, when you have to come up with things to get people in trouble for.
s'mores -and therefore marshmallow in my hair
JIMS- the great BBQ place we stopped at for lunch on the way home

And to top it all off, once we were home and showered and mostly unpacked, we went to the laser show on stone mountain, which was indeed VERY good. The new show this summer is very well done :)

I'd say it was a successful weekend.
Plus today, all the little siblings had to get up for the first day of school, and I got to sleep in! woohoo!!


I lied.
But, it's not really my fault.
I was positive that blogger had told me that the last post was post 100.
But it really wasn't. It was only post number 93.
I think it had been counting the drafts that I deleted.

So, I apologize.
This is now post 93, and we'll have that party in about 7 more posts.
sound like a plan?

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I don't dream very often. Well, I guess technically everyone dreams every night, but it's very rare that I actually remember my dream when I wake up.

But the last few dreams I've had have all been about a boy. But no boy in particular, just some unknown, good looking boy.

And they're usually strange, and very simple. My latest consisted of my being in a room somewhere with a bunch of other single adults, and I was talking to this particularly good looking guy. Then, he just started holding my hand. It was super cute in my dream. And then right there, in front of everyone, we started dancing (to no music mind you. If this had been real life, I'm pretty sure i would have been officially weirded out if I had met the guy only moments before. But, this is just a dream we're talking about, and strange things tend to seem completely normal). And then we just held hands for the rest of the evening. It was cute.

Stupid, because this unknown guy that held my hand in my dream has left me feeling kind of heartbroken. Empty.

Pathetic. Stupid subconscious.