Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Dear future husband,

I was talking about you again today.
I was talking about something that you might want to keep in mind when you're trying to win my heart over.

Have flaws. Be yourself.

Sometimes I get caught up in the movies, and I want the perfect man.
And then I come back to reality.

I saw a quote the other day, that said something along the lines of

If you want a perfect Disney Prince 
and a perfect Disney romance
Then you need to be a perfect Disney Princess
I am not at all close to being a perfect Disney Princess, nor do I ever want to be.

I want someone goofy. crazy. individual. 
Someone that can make me laugh.
Someone that brings out the best in me and I can totally be the best version of myself around. 
I want someone that messes up.
Someone human.

So, be yourself.
It'll work out better that way. 

Your future wife.


  1. I couldn't agree more. Quirky boys are the best kind.

  2. Love this!! I've been thinking about this a lot lately too and my unrealistic expectations for the "perfect man." :) Love you Kylie!!
