Friday, November 28, 2014

22 years of gratitude

Reflecting on this thanksgiving day, I am grateful for so much. And not all necessarily 'things'. There are so many moments, people, emotions, etc. that I am grateful for.  So because I am 22, i came up with a list of 22 things I am grateful for.

1. family i love, and that loves me
2. so many wonderful friends
3. the gospel- being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
4. serving a full time mission in Albuquerque, New Mexico
5. laughter
6. pictures
7. good, long hugs
8. adventures. all the time.
9. spontaneity
11. knowing i'm loved
12. the outdoors, and the many things possible to do there
13. sweet silence
14. genuine smiles
15. reminiscing
16. listening
17. stories told with passion
18. ancestors that worked hard so i can have what i do
19. long naps
20. confidence
21. trials- or rather what's learned from them
22. prayers answered

Gratitude is not something that we have only in times of plenty, but especially in times of need. I've been working on having an overall attitude of gratitude, rather than just listing what i'm grateful for. It's overwhelming almost to think of all the things, and people, and everything that i am blessed with. I have so much that i want to do and give in return, to thank my Heavenly Father for my many blessings. Mosiah 2:17
 talks about serving others, so that we are serving God. What a better way to show those around us, and especially our God, that we are grateful, than by serving them! When I was younger, my dad would tell us that we needed to show him, not just tell him. Yes, we could tell him that we loved him over and over again. but those are empty words unless we obey what he asks of us, etc. and show him how we feel. Just words until put into action.

Let us take this holiday season and put into action our gratitude by serving those around us, and paying attention to the needs of others, and having an attitude of gratitude.