Tuesday, January 20, 2015

smile to survive

Smiling creates a positive chemical reaction within your body.
When you smile you feel better. You look more attractive. You relieve stress. 
When you smile people want to be around you. You automatically are happier.

Bottom line, smiling is a good idea, and it's not meant for only when you feel happy. Sometimes it's a good idea to smile when you're not happy so that you can feel happier. 

Like for example when life is really hard, and people are aggravating. And when you have a lot on your plate and you're stressed, sure you're going to pull out all of your hair. And when it's cold outside and you've fallen on the ice, and you have a headache and friends are struggling and you had a terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-day. You name it. Life sometimes likes to throw a lot at us. 
But when you smile things just feel better. 

Try it. I dare you. 

And on that note, you will be able to find me at the gym, on an elliptical, smiling like an idiot...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Learning to Trust Him

sometimes you have to learn to trust you Father in Heaven.

actually, all the time.

because sometimes, things are really hard. and sometimes you want to give up. and sometimes you want to throw a little pity party and eat all of the chocolate and mope around for a while and just be angry. because that's easier, and it feels like it will make you feel better. And sometimes you think that you know what you want. and because you think you know what you want, you make plans. and sometimes (usually) those plans fail. epically. and it's not pretty.

and then sometimes, you remember that your Heavenly Father loves you. and no, he didn't abandon you. He just let you make some mistakes because He loves you. He said that it was okay for you to throw a little temper tantrum for a while, and eat all of the chocolate, because He knew that you would be okay, and that you would come out stronger. Sometimes He has to remind you that you, indeed, are not in charge. And sometimes though He has to remind you that He is in charge, and that you were doing it all wrong, He still loves you. And He still wants the best for you.

Sometimes He sends you daily reminders that you are not forgotten. He sends you some incredible people in your life that make you smile, and lift you up, and help you be the best person you can be. Sometimes He sends you messages from old friends reminding you that you are loved and missed. Sometimes He helps give you the strength you need, or clearer answers to prayers, or good weather, or chocolate from someone you love, or a smile, or relief, or someone to talk to. Sometimes he gives you the opportunity to serve, or to be served, or a really good scripture study. He gives clarity and peace.

And when all of that finally comes, you forget to be mad that he waited so long to help you. because in reality, He was only waiting for you.

Waiting for you to learn, and grow, and come to Him.