And because it's my 19th bday, and i have a job, I had to work. all. day.
so that was kind of a bummer. well, it was a bummer.
BUT, I got got to go out to breakfast AND lunch with my favorite Dad. And though no one in the office new/remembered it was my bday, lots of people on facebook did, and i got lots of delightful texts throughout the day.
When I got home, there were balloons and streamers and mom was making birthday dinner. yum! my puppy was there to say hi to me, and the siblings actually wanted to spend time with me! imagine that! ;)
anyways. we had brownies and ice cream, and opened some wonderful, thoughtful gifts.
then i got a text saying to look out side.
look at the remnants of the beautiful sunset I was given for my birthday :)
When all is said and done, though I certainly don't feel any different/older, I had a great day. Mostly because of wonderful people like YOU! Thanks for all YOU do! :D
PRETTY SUNSET!!! Very fitting for a pretty 19-year old girl like you! I luh you :D