Tuesday, February 2, 2016

One or Two?

There is this funny sort of relationship between our bodies and souls. They are one unit- they are you. Yet there have been times in my life, that I can distinctly feel that they are different- two. It's hard to describe because as you know, they operate together. The soul needs the body as a sort of 'house', or else it is useless. You can't see or touch it... it is merely there, and we don't really know about it. But on the other hand the body, which acts as a 'house' for our soul, needs the soul. The body, by itself, is just a body. No movement. No life. No personality. Not really a person in fact. Just a body. 

So we understand that they are two separate entities that need each other

That my friend, is a really cool thing. Individually, the soul and the body don't seem to be worth a lot, or they can't do a lot. But together, they are life. Together they are beautiful. Together they create a perfect synergy. Together, they create you. And me. And every person that ever lived and ever will live. Together they are perfect

Usually, the two blend so stinkin' well that we don't even remember that there are two parts. But sometimes, for me lately, they are...different. My body wants to lay around. My body wants to get fat, and watch movies, and eat chocolate, and cuddle, and not do my hair. 
My soul wants adventure. My soul wants exercise, and health, and laughter, and structure. 
Body- food. Soul- self control. Body- sleep. Soul- activity.

They have daily battles- little conversations like this all of the time. My body wants to sleep for 10 hours, while my soul knows I only need 6 or 7. My body wants to eat out with my husband 8 times a week. My soul has a good time eating out, and needs the time with my husband just as much as my body, but it knows that I only need to eat at a restaurant maybe once a week. And I definitely don't need Krispy Kreme and a chocolate cake and ice cream and too much Dr. Pepper. (I still believe that Dr. Pepper and chocolate cake are good for the soul by the way. Just probably not every day *cough*cough*). My body wants movies. My soul needs exercise. 

I'm learning that there is a distinction between what our body wants and what our soul needs. And I'm learning that creating that distinction, and listening to the souls needs, will get you a lot farther in life than sitting on your body's butt. 

The body and soul work together- two separate entities that thrive with and need each other. A relationship we need to understand and foster. So while the two are one, one is two.