I feel a little bit bad for people who encounter me on a Monday.
first of all, it's a Monday. who really likes Monday's anyways.
also, i have a 7:45 class. that's early.
and freezing. literally. it's the first week of October and I walk to class in about 25 degree weather.
to get to class on time, i need to leave the house around 7:30.
I usually roll out of bed at approximately 7:15.
...I hate waking up
this means:
-usually i wear glasses, not contacts
-my hair is in a frizzy braid or bun.
-no makeup -unless of course i didn't take it off the night before. Those are rare, lucky days.
-i'm wearing jeans and a sweatshirt
-socks likely will not match (not each other, let alone they remotely match what i'm wearing)
in other words, i'm a disaster.
so in advance, i apologize lest i see you on a Monday.
and please enjoy this hilarious video.
it's relevant because it takes place on a Monday.....
oh just watch it.
So I started reading this posted and where you say, "It's a monday" I immediately thought of this video and had to finish the phrase.... "got to do it one more time!" Imagine my joy when I scrolled down the page and saw you posted this video as well. Hahaha!