Saturday, February 11, 2017

Dear Failure,

If you're reading this, that means you. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's the reality of life.
You are a failure- and that's a good thing!

I was reading my Mom's blog this morning, and This Post really struck me. She writes about how she didn't realize how tough she was until she accomplished a half marathon. She also realized how not just physically, but mentally, there was a lot of work that went into reaching that accomplishment.

We hear that 'you are tougher than you think' and 'you can do hard things'. And I believe firmly that we are and that we can! Our bodies and our minds are capable of some seriously incredible tasks! People run distances I can't fathom running, make technological advances my brain can't begin to understand, and so much more. I am currently working towards a goal of birthing my first child naturally in a couple months- something that my body is built to do, which I find simply amazing!

But something that I want to make sure we get a grasp on, is that these 'hard things' don't take place immediately. My body is capable of birthing a baby without medication (and probably running a half marathon too), but not now. I need to study, mentally prepare, and do physical exercises to prepare my body and brain to accomplish this daunting task. Doing hard things, means work- and time, and effort, and sacrifice, and more work.

Doing hard things means progression.

When you were born, could you have fathomed it, running would have seemed really difficult- that's why you rolled, then scooted, then crawled, stood, walked, fell a lot, and eventually after a long time and a lot of failing, you were able to run. It works the same in adulthood- your body isn't going to just run a marathon or birth a baby or create the newest technological invention today. But after a lot of work, and lots of small steps, and lots of failing, You. Are. Capable.

So get started! Dream BIG and do HARD THINGS. Don't be afraid to start and don't be afraid to fail, because when you finally finish and look back, you will be amazed at the ground that you have covered and everything you have accomplished, despite your failures! You CAN do hard things. And you CAN do more than you think you are capable of. Just don't consider yourself completely inadequate when those things don't happen as soon as you hope and expect. Small failures are good things, but they don't define your character as a whole.

"The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself."

A Fellow Failure