Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2 new names

for a long time, i've always wanted a nick name.
i'm not sure why, there's just kind of something about them that i've always liked...

anyways. the only nick name that i've ever really had, was kooks.
i love it.
and i can only be called that my my dad.

since moving to a small town, i've picked up a couple new nicknames:

1. Ky or Kyee.
I live with a 19 month old, who is in the process of learning to talk.
and like most kids his age, he's not very good at saying his l's, so instead of 'kylie', it somes out 'kyee'. or when he get's really excited, it's just 'ky'.
i love it when I walk up the stairs in the morning, and when the stairs creak, before he even sees me, i can hear 'ky, ky, ky, ky!'
best ever.
this nick name has caught on by some of my friends :)

2. bert.
I live and work with my roommate, and on wednesdays we attend institute during lunch.
while talking afterwards, i was explaining our living situations, and how my roommate and i share a room, and we just have 2 twin mattresses on the floor side-by-side, with a little gap in between.
it's a mess, but i love it.
a little while later, our teacher comes to us, and states that we remind him of bert and ernie.
basically one the best/coolest compliments i've ever received.....!!
the next week, a friend that we had met couldn't remember our real names, but could only think of us as bert and ernie.
because i'm taller, i get to be bert (even though ernie is my favorite)
i'm secretly hoping that it catches on ;)

pass the luck along

the other day i saw a lady drop a penny.
but rather than bending down to pick it up,
she leaned down and flipped it over
so that the heads side was facing up instead,
giving luck to another individual that passed by later that day.

i want to be more like her.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

and it's only thursday morning

I have had such a good week.
despite getting little sleep, and feeling a tad sick.

I got to go see my best friends on monday.
no work. pizza, art galleries, snowball fights. hugs. laughter.
it was perfect.

partied it up with the single adults
playing charades and other random games.

work has been good.
i've learned that if you make a goal, you're more likely to achieve it.
Then, of course, if you didn't make one.
we've been fairly successful lately.

i feel confidant.
smiles and laughter can make pretty much anyone's day better.

i dyed my hair (pictures to come soon!)
and painted my toenails
and bought sunglasses (because i have contacts now)

i learned how to play ping-pong.
the real way. and... i almost won.
he was probably just going easy on me.
but that's okay.

i went to choir.
mostly because a boy asked me.
i forgot how much i love singing.

i watched "That Thing You Do" and "Leap Year"
for the first time.

i recently received a sticky note letter from a best friend
and a care package from my mom.
and i'm loving still reaping the benefits of said package.

i re-kindled my love for root beer.
and dark chocolate peanut M&M's (the best candy in the world of course)

here's to hoping the rest of my week is as good as the first part.
and yours too!!
"I'm just a little bit caught in the middle.
 Life is a maze, and Love is a riddle"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

the movies are ruined for me now

i've learned a lot about myself this past week.
you know those questions about how you'll react in a certain situation?
and you think you know yourself well enough that you know how you'll react?

likely, you don't.
not until you actually get thrown into the situation and begin to act instinctively do you truly begin to learn something about yourself.
i was all wrong.
and that's okay.

it seems so perfect when it's up on the big screen and has mood music playing.
when every line is scripted out for the situation to work out how it's supposed to.
when the scene can just end so that the horribly awkward moment in which people in real life actually have to face, can just be avoided with out consequence.
when a lot of actions are taken without consequence.

i'm learning that it doesn't work that way at all.
this chick-flick fantasy that i have built up in me head, isn't going to pan out quite like that.
it might have bits and pieces, but if i don't react properly (which i won't of course),
or if i don't have mood music constantly playing on my ipod (which i don't)
then i'll actually have to live a real life version of my fairy tale.

where there are awkward moments.
you have to do things you don't really want to.
sometimes you have to say no.
and a lot of times things don't work out quite how you want.

and that's okay.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

i relate

well, not because i left..... but i am a little 'at war with myself'.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Boys have it so easy

Valentine's day is upon us.
enjoy your day, single or otherwise :)

But i've gotten to thinking, how easy boys have it.
They give a gift to their girl, and it's pretty standard on what to give.

Flowers and/or chocolate are always a good choice.
All you have to do is figure out her favorite kind, and even then that's not necessary.
a nice note is always good. maybe some other little something if you feel like it.

it's simple and straightforward.

But what exactly are girls supposed to get for guys?
There's no standard. Guys are so difficult to buy for.
It's not like a girl can just grab a box of chocolates, and a note.
that's what he just gave her.

--As I was asking this question the best answer I've heard,
is to give him a stress ball.
He might need it you know...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reminder: one week

Valentines day is looming.

Tonight is an ice cream kind of night.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

working the system

as a single young adult, you have to play it.
even harder, you have to learn how to play it.

it's complicated.
learning about the other gender, and then specifically about one person you're targeting.
getting them to notice you.
trying to get other people to notice you less.

and that's just if you're trying to win in that aspect.

i'm learning how to work the system.
all you have to do, is make a lot of friends
just friends.
but a good chunk of them, have to be of the opposite gender.

[well, this theory really only works for girls, so a good chunk must be of the male variety.]

anyways, you just go on group dates.
they're fun. low stress.
and you get a free food and entertainment.

does it get much better than that? :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

chin up

Things happen.
sometimes they happen the way you want them to.
sometimes they don't.

sometimes bad things happen to good people.
most of the time, good things happen to good people.

everything, happens for a reason.
good, bad, or indifferent, there's a reason it happened.
whether you find out that reason or not.

most of the time,
you don't need to know the reason.

all you need to know, is that you are making a difference.
hopefully for the better,
but a difference nonetheless,
and that God isn't going to put you through anything that you can't handle.

not everything will be easy,
but it will be worth it in the end.


when times to get tough, remember:

i am a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine. use it.
relish in good friends.
take time for the little things in life.
talk to mom.
eat chocolate.
watch a movie.
eat your favorite snack (tonight, mine was popcorn and hot chocolate).
take a nap. they do wonders.
cry if you need to.
then get back to work.

you can do it :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Chuck-a-Rama principle

For those of you on the east coast, Chuck-a-Rama is a restaurant. Buffet to be exact.
Kind of like a Golden Corral, but better.

Anyways, at a Relief Society meeting my stake had this weekend (Geared towards women over 18), we learned about something call the 'Chuck-a-Rama Principle'. Now, because it's Chuck-a-Rama, it immediately sounded good. And in theory it does.... if it were possible...

The theory is that if you go to a buffet, you can stuff yourself so full that you ache. you don't want to move you're so full. and as you sit there and digest the insane amount of calories you've just taken in, you feel as if you won't have to eat for at least another couple of days.

As I'm laying in bed, that's how I feel. I wish I could just go eat a bowl of cereal now, and then that would save me time in my morning routine.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. No matter how much you stuff yourself the night before, you are still going to need breakfast the next day. If not some kind of snack in the next couple of hours even.  It is inevitable that your body is going to become hungry again soon, and need nourishment. If you don't eat consistently, you will become weak.

This principle was applied to spiritual things. you can't expect to feast upon the words of Christ and feel the His spirit so sufficiently one day a week, that you're full for the rest of the week. By the next day, you are hungry again. And in fact, if you don't eat and feast continually, you become weak.

There is no steady line where you can sit. you are either filling yourself, or declining and preparing for your next meal when you are hungry again.

One time is not going to cut it. You WILL weaken if you are not continually feeding yourself- if you are not feasting.
-and in the words of my religion teacher last semester, you need to feast, and feast until you are round and fat. and then you need to ring the dinner bell and share that feast with those that can't seem to find it. There are others out there looking for the feast that you so delightfully sit at. Ring the dinner bell and share it with them. and do it more than just once a week, or when you're told, or when you feel like it. do it constantly. there are people out there starving for Christ.

Remember the buffet, and go to it every single day. you're life will be so much more blessed and your spirit so much more strong if you take the time to feast every day, rather than hoping that just Sunday will cut it.