Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Dear future husband,

I was talking about you again today.
I was talking about something that you might want to keep in mind when you're trying to win my heart over.

Have flaws. Be yourself.

Sometimes I get caught up in the movies, and I want the perfect man.
And then I come back to reality.

I saw a quote the other day, that said something along the lines of

If you want a perfect Disney Prince 
and a perfect Disney romance
Then you need to be a perfect Disney Princess
I am not at all close to being a perfect Disney Princess, nor do I ever want to be.

I want someone goofy. crazy. individual. 
Someone that can make me laugh.
Someone that brings out the best in me and I can totally be the best version of myself around. 
I want someone that messes up.
Someone human.

So, be yourself.
It'll work out better that way. 

Your future wife.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Stop the ride I'd like to get off please

Becoming and adult must be worth it.... otherwise people wouldn't keep doing it, right?

Remember how the only problems used to be boys and school?
I still have to worry about school ... and it seems more important.
Boys- dating is more serious and more difficult. Can I just get married and stop playing this game please?
Things- cost money.
Money- to buy those things (like school, food, etc).
Job- to get the money.
Transportation- no car. ...walk? (how does one get to the job, for the money to buy the things?)

 Can I just grow a money tree and wish on a star and have no more problems?

p.s.- the wise words of my father when asked why being an adult had to be so hard, "Because Heavenly Father has given us opportunities to grow."
-just trying to keep this in mind.


I hope that y'all had a very Merry Christmas!!
I sure did.
I'm in warm Georgia, with all my family, absolutely loving life :)

I hope that, even now that the actual day is over, that you will be able to remember the true reason for the season.

Not only and I grateful for my family and friends, home and the wonderful gifts I've been blessed with, I am so very grateful for Christ and his gift to us. I'm grateful to live in a country where we can celebrate his birth and worship him freely.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Flying at Sunset

A piece of the horizon glows
as if on fire
beneath the dimming blue atmosphere.

The city lights look as if a fairy
flew across the top
scattering her twinkling dust in patches
across the earth's surface.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good Morning?

I woke up today. Late, as per usual.
And my very first thought was, "I hate waking up"

I'm not a very big fan of mornings.

Well, this song that my Grandpa, and then my mom used to sing, immediately popped into my head, and has been stuck there.
I look back on a couple of the songs he sang, and I get a little bit appalled that they were so violent, and I had no idea as a child.

Anyways, here's the lyrics :

Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning,
Oh! How I'd love to remain in bed
For the hardest blow of all is to hear the bugler call:
'You've got to get up, you've got to get up,
You've got to get up this morning!'"

Someday I'm going to murder the bugler
Someday they're going to find him dead
I'll amputate his reveille and stomp upon it heavily
And spend the rest of my life in bed!

A bugler in the army is the luckiest of men
He wakes the boys at five and then goes back to bed again
He doesn't have to blow again until the afternoon
If ev'rything goes well with me I'll be a bugler soon!

"Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning,
Oh! How I'd love to remain in bed
For the hardest blow of all is to hear the bugler call:
'You've got to get up, you've got to get up,
You've got to get up this morning!'"

Oh, boy! The minute the battle is over
Oh, boy! The minute the foe is dead
I'll put my uniform away and move to Philadelphia
And spend the rest of my life in bed!

And then I'll get the other pup,
The one that wakes the bugler up,
And spend, the rest of my life in bed.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Steven Sharp Nelson

Well, it's not a Mormon Message this week, but it's spiritual and uplifting.
Enjoy :)
Nearer My God to Thee

It took an hour

...for my roommates to convince me to do it.
It was one of those where, I wanted to. But I was terrified to do it.
In fact, it was my idea even....... sometimes I should be careful about how fast words come out of my mouth

And when it was done, I felt good. successful.
Everyone was excited- even me. 
Sometimes peer pressure isn't all bad.


Somehow I got convinced to go ask a boy on a date.
Boys, I understand your pain. Dating is fun, but possibly horrifying.
And this wasn't just any boy.
This is one that occasionally stops by my apt to ask my roommate about homework.
And I thought he was cute.
He didn't even know my name till I told him while I was asking him out.
So we're not even really acquaintances......... yet I asked him on a date.

The words came out too fast.
Some would say I had diarrhea of the mouth. But I don't really like that image.
Anyways, I just started talking, and asked him to go with me on a group date for tomorrow.
And by the time I was done and about to walk out the door, he asked me for my name.

I had forgot to properly introduce my self.
*face in palm*

Anyways, he said yes.
So, we're going together tomorrow for a GIANT group date.


And then a couple more hours passed,
and now I'm nervous out of my mind.

Someone save me.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm Cursed

"If you asked me, how I'm doing, I'll tell you I'm doing just fine..... I'd lie and say that you're not on my mind."

I have a curse. I've dubbed it the 'If-you-think-about-it-it's-not-going-to-happen-curse'.

Am I the only one with this problem?
I must think too much.
About the future and possibilities, even just in daily life.
I fantasize.

It's an issue I really need to resolve.

But if I think about it, it's almost guaranteed to not happen.
Like, maybe he'll hold my hand.
Maybe he'll be in the library.
Or maybe I'll run into someone random.
Maybe I'll meet someone wonderful at the party.
Maybe we'll work out one day.... in the far, far future.
Maybe my favorite song will come on the radio.
--- or other random, stupid, day-dreamy situations.

And they'll never happen. ever.
Partly, because a lot of the times they're simply not sensible.
The rest of the time.... I'm cursed.

So some would say, "just don't think about it!"
If I could, I would.
SO much easier said than done.