Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What does one do, when you're stuck in a crowd of people, all of them at least 3 years older than you (except for the one boy i talked to that was younger than me, but of course he wasn't there at the moment), and they all think that you're their age. and then they find out that you're not even 20. and they're all amazed. but, this isn't some feat on your part. it's not your fault that your parents had you in '92 instead of '88. or even '81. it's not some amazing thing, it just is what it is. but, the beans got spilled, and there's that awkward moment where no one knows what to say, because they're all gawking over the fact that you're so young (and you're wondering why they are all so old, and still single). and all you can say is,"yup. i'm kinda young." and hope that some brilliant idea for a conversation starter just pops into your head. but it doesn't ever come fast enough.

guess i should just take the compliment that they all thought i was older than i really am?



Does anyone know what today is?

*drum roll*

it's Blog day! thanks to Brain Pop from my mom's home school apps on her ipad, i learned that today was blog day, and found it only fitting to come and share the news, and therefore a blog post, with you!
So, if you have a blog, go blog! if you don't, go make one! if you know you won't keep up with it, thanks for reading mine! :)

Happy blog day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

19 years

Today, I turned 19. Nothing too special really. no new privalges or anything fun. just a year older and hopefully a year wiser.
And because it's my 19th bday, and i have a job, I had to work. all. day.
so that was kind of a bummer. well, it was a bummer.

BUT, I got got to go out to breakfast AND lunch with my favorite Dad. And though no one in the office new/remembered it was my bday, lots of people on facebook did, and i got lots of delightful texts throughout the day.
When I got home, there were balloons and streamers and mom was making birthday dinner. yum! my puppy was there to say hi to me, and the siblings actually wanted to spend time with me! imagine that! ;)

anyways. we had brownies and ice cream, and opened some wonderful, thoughtful gifts.
then i got a text saying to look out side.

look at the remnants of the beautiful sunset I was given for my birthday :)

When all is said and done, though I certainly don't feel any different/older, I had a great day. Mostly because of wonderful people like YOU! Thanks for all YOU do! :D

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Monkey Days

Last week I got to go rick climbing at the largest gym in the nation with a couple of my friends. And though it was hard, and I'd only done it one other time, we had an absolute blast!

Hopefully I'll get the chance to go again sometime soon! I definitely recommend it if you've never gone!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

100 (take 2)

We made it!

This is post number


Feel free to throw a party if you would like.
If I had the time, I would as well. It's a pretty big event.
There would be 100 balloons. And a variety of foods, with 100 pieces each.
I would invite 100 people, and play games involving the number 100. It would be bigger than 100-day in elementary school.
But alas, I do not indeed have the time or money to throw a party that big and wonderful, so I'll let you be in charge of that.

Or you can just imagine such a party and we'll call it good.
Yeah, I like that plan better.

good times

when i was little, my favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast.
I still love it to this day.
Apparently I would pretend to be Belle, and i would hold the movie cover as my book and sing the opening song, and then tell my dad that he was Gaston and then he would come in and sing his part. i'm sure it was adorable ;)

but that's besied the point.

As we were listening to disney songs in the car the other day, my youngest brother (Drew, age 6), asked who Gaston was.

I just about lost it.
MY little brother didn't know who Gaston was?! I was horrified. This must be remedied at once.
Well, I was out and about this evening but Emily and Drew stayed home and watched Beauty and the Beast. As I was getting them set up, Emily had to ask me what end of the VHS went into the player first. (has it really been that long since we've used VHS's? ...I remember buying our first DVD player. yikes.)
Also, as I was getting ready to leave, a preview for Aladdin came on.
oh. my. goodness. a preview for something i'd known my whole, entire life. in fact, it even had the date, that Aladdin was coming out in 1992. yup, it's as old as me. And it's still good.
And it had that male voice that announced practically all the Disney movies.

Later tonight, I watched Tarzan. also an excellent movie (and more violent/gory than i had thought as a kid). which led to an analysis of disney movie villains and how they die. we came to the conclusion that Disney has some weird fascination with people falling to their death. If you think about it, if a villain dies, it's usually falling to his/her death.

feeling a tad old at the moment.
and i don't even turn 19 for 3 more days!

Friday, August 26, 2011

why on earth?!...

sometimes I look back at 13-16 year old me, and just wonder, "what was i thinking?...."
why did i think that was cute to wear?
why would i ask such a question?
why was I too blind to see what was plainly obvious to everyone else?
why would i say such embarrassing things?
wow, i thought i was hilarious. ....i was not indeed, as funny or as wonderful or as cute as i thought i was.
I was a particularly awkward teenager.

then i just sit. and hope that i have gotten out of the worst of those stages, and that i didn't embarrass myself too horribly.

but, i still have one more year (and four days), to be a teenager. guess i better make the best of it! (and as my mother would say, use this last year to blame stupid things on being a teenager. in a year, i won't have that luxury ;) haha)

Monday, August 22, 2011

get going


That's a hard word for me sometimes.
Especially lately.

I'm on summer break. Which, as a kid, means time at the pool, tanning, watching movies, reading, hanging with friends, and whatever else your heart desires.

Unfortunately, though I still feel like a kid, and would prefer to act like one most of the time, I'm not one.

So I try to get away with watching Psych and sleeping and eating junk food all day. And then I realize that I still haven't cleaned my bathroom. Or my bedroom.
My garbage can still has trash in it.
My blog is lacking on posts.
The playground is not stained.
My boxes still need to be de-junked.
My checkbook still needs to be balanced.
My puppy could still use some loving.
I need to eat in there somewhere.
textbooks need to be bought.
Pictures are waiting to be edited.
Letters waiting to be written.
And I am still broke.

And on the days that I go work 8 hour days, I just want to come home and continue lounging.
I tend to not really think about what I've got to do, until it's 11:00 at night. And too late to do a lot of it.

Hey, at least I got a blog post in right? That was on the list of things to get done. yup.

One of these days this is really going to come back and bite me right in the butt.

...Will you?

So, lately it feels like pretty much everyone is getting engaged and married. Well, i suppose not everyone, but it sure is a lot of people. Maybe I'm just getting older? After all, I only have a little over one year left of being a teenager. (yikes!)

Anyways, I love weddings. And I will be patient for my day to come (goodness, it does NOT need to come too soon). But, I will admit that I'm very excited for that day. I probably have more already picked out than I want to admit to. I love looking at wedding pictures, and fun proposals.

Below, are two very creative proposals that I kinda, sorta fell in love with ;)

Aren't they just great?!

Please share any, any engagement stories if you would like. I would absolutely love to hear :)
Sometimes it's the most simple things that are the best anyways.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fields and Alleyways

Fields and Alleyways: two of my favorite places to take pictures
Heather Elaine Goodyear: one of my favorite people to take pictures with

Here's our adventure from Monday:

Monday, August 8, 2011


I got to go camping this weekend with the fam.
We left Thursday, and reluctantly came home on Saturday.
It was a blast.

We went with 3 other families (lots of little kids, so my siblings and I were the only ones our age)
The trip consisted of:

late, late nights playing games (we're talking 3 AM here, to the point where you're so tired everything's funny)
laughing so hard my sides hurt
gooooood food.
spending ALL DAY at the lake
jumping off the dock
throwing children off the dock
cute little kids with southern accents
kayaking around the lake
trying to catch fish with our hands
getting eaten alive by bugs
the BURGERS. AKA- the grumpy old couple that got onto us about everything. seriously. it was ridiculous. you know you're bored, and old, and grumpy, when you have to come up with things to get people in trouble for.
s'mores -and therefore marshmallow in my hair
JIMS- the great BBQ place we stopped at for lunch on the way home

And to top it all off, once we were home and showered and mostly unpacked, we went to the laser show on stone mountain, which was indeed VERY good. The new show this summer is very well done :)

I'd say it was a successful weekend.
Plus today, all the little siblings had to get up for the first day of school, and I got to sleep in! woohoo!!


I lied.
But, it's not really my fault.
I was positive that blogger had told me that the last post was post 100.
But it really wasn't. It was only post number 93.
I think it had been counting the drafts that I deleted.

So, I apologize.
This is now post 93, and we'll have that party in about 7 more posts.
sound like a plan?

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I don't dream very often. Well, I guess technically everyone dreams every night, but it's very rare that I actually remember my dream when I wake up.

But the last few dreams I've had have all been about a boy. But no boy in particular, just some unknown, good looking boy.

And they're usually strange, and very simple. My latest consisted of my being in a room somewhere with a bunch of other single adults, and I was talking to this particularly good looking guy. Then, he just started holding my hand. It was super cute in my dream. And then right there, in front of everyone, we started dancing (to no music mind you. If this had been real life, I'm pretty sure i would have been officially weirded out if I had met the guy only moments before. But, this is just a dream we're talking about, and strange things tend to seem completely normal). And then we just held hands for the rest of the evening. It was cute.

Stupid, because this unknown guy that held my hand in my dream has left me feeling kind of heartbroken. Empty.

Pathetic. Stupid subconscious.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

squeak. squeak. squeak.

"Laugh to forget, but don't forget to laugh" -Sign at the mall

Today I went to the mall with the family. While mom and the boys waited in line to build a free thing at the Lego store, I took the girls and we walked around. (us girls aren't that into Lego's, imagine that.) After spending a sufficient amount of time walking around the entire mall and browsing occasional stores, we were done. I found a nice little spot on a bench to wait for mom and the kids to come out of the store, while there was still a quite long line waiting to go in.

At the end of this line, was a family. A mom, dad, 2 girls, and 2 boys. The youngest, a boy probably around 1 or so, was running around completely enjoying himself.
It. was. adorable.

But as if his laugh and smile weren't enough, and the smile on his mom's face as she 'chased' him around wasn't enough, his shoes squeaked.

Yes, you heard that right. They squeaked. Every stumbling, running step of his little feet left a squeak.

In that moment, it was the most adorable, genuine thing. A mother running around chasing a small child so full of joy he just couldn't contain himself, who squeaked everywhere he went so you couldn't possibly lose him.

It was all I could do to not pick him up and laugh in joy with him.... but somehow I don't think that the parents would find that very amusing.